Momentum is the Student Ministry of Hope Community Church

This ministry targets 12 to 18 year olds with the vision of bringing restoration, making disciples and actively serving. Teenagers from all over Houma gather every Wednesday night at 6:30 to participate in a high energy service that teaches students how to live for Christ in this world.

Momentum Student Ministry is led by Youth Pastor Lynn Parfait.

Students are encouraged to attend Wednesday Night Services at 6:30pm.

Doors open at 6:00pm and van rides are provided. 

There are also different events throughout the year that young people can be involved in such as Teen Youth Camp during the summer, fall retreats, D-Now weekends, game days and much more. 

Momentum is a place that everyone feels welcome and leaves with a heart to serve Christ in real ways throughout their life.  To follow us on social media simply click the link and get updated on all things Momentum teens today.

Mometum Students on Facebook