At times it's hard to truly follow the teachings of Jesus, and if we are honest, we often don’t even know how. The world constantly pulls us in all directions until it seems like something must break. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 states to "be watchful, stand firm in the faith, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love."
And that is exactly what Small Groups are for.
To help us become disciples and become a part of community.
These groups are designed to help you follow Jesus in a small group setting that will encourage you to stand fast in your commitments and become disciples of Jesus Christ.
Women Of Purpose Small Group (Every Wednesday from 6:30 until 8:00)
This is a ladies bible study that studies different biblical lessons by leading women authors and speakers then breaks apart into smaller Connect Groups to discuss what you learn and how to apply it to your life.
Men's Small Group Bible Study (Every Wednesday from 6:30 until 8:00)
This is a men’s bible study that studies different books of the bible and then breaks apart into smaller Connect Groups to discuss what you learn and how to apply it to your life.
Momentum Student Ministry (Every Wednesday from 6:30 until 8:00)
This is the youth group of Hope Community Church that is open to all 12 through 18 year olds. Typically the group is going through different sermon series that are relevant to teens lives, and uses games, interactive lessons, teen led worship time, and breaking into small Connect Groups to discuss what you learn and how to apply it to your life.
Hope Kids (11-4 years olds) and nursery is provided on all Wednesday nights.
All are welcome.
Hope Community also offers small groups that meet outside of the Wednesday night format. These small groups offer a chance to be in community and become a part of growing together in Christ.
Hope Abounds (2nd Saturday of the Month at 10:30am)
Parenting Classes (4th Saturday of the Month at 10am)
Smith's Small Group Bible Study (1st Friday of the Month at 6:30pm)
Elderly Ministry (3rd Saturday Afternoon of the Month at Heritage Manor)
Simply Click on the Link to Sign up for A Small Group or Download the Church Center App and Join a Community Group Today.